Cash Value Life Insurance

septiembre 13, 2012 · Imprimir este artículo

Cash Value Life Insurance

Seguro de Vida con Valor en efectivo: Es una póliza de Seguro de Vida que acumula valores en efectivo en una cuenta, además de pagar en caso de muerte del asegurado. También se lo conoce como Seguro de Vida con capitalización. Es un instrumento financiero que permite obtener Protección e Inversión simultáneamente. Su uso está muy difundido por ser la herramienta ideal para constituir la columna vertebral de todo Plan Financiero de Largo Plazo.

El capital, el interés y las ganancias acumuladas en la póliza no son gravables (no están alcanzadas por el impuesto a las ganancias), y puede ser utilizado como un fondo del cual pedir prestado y como un medio para pagar primas de las pólizas en caso de no desear continuar los aportes (primas). Existen diversos tipos: de vida entera, de vida variable y de vida universal (el más empleado por ser el más versátil), son todos los tipos de seguro de vida con valor en efectivo. También conocido como seguro de vida permanente, ya que proporciona cobertura para toda la vida del asegurado, mientras que las pólizas de vida a término son por un plazo en vigor durante un período especificado.

Más información:

Cash Value Life Insurance: A type of policy that accumulates value during the policyholder’s lifetime and pays out upon the policyholder’s death. The interest and earnings on the policy are not taxable, and it can be used as a fund from which to borrow and as a means to pay policy premiums later in life. Whole life, variable life and universal life are all types of cash value life insurance. Also known as permanent life insurance because it provides coverage for the policyholder’s entire life, while term life is only in force for a specified period.


Cash Value Life Insurance: A Great Investment

Cash value life insurance has come atop the many life insurances available. The popularity of this insurance started because it is considered a great investment by those who have benefited from the deal. Its introduction has yield best results with all the rightful comments and testimonies coming from satisfied customers

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It works in many ways as a great investment for both the beneficiary and the policy holder?s delight.Should the policy holder pass away, there is sure money waiting for the beneficiary. It is like building up an investment to be used in the future.

Though the holder passes away, there is still money which can be used by the beneficiary to pay for sudden fees. In some insurance policies, you can even garner money which you can use intently for the purpose of education. The sure credit is at hand.

It is considered a great investment too because you can make use of the money investment if you want to. Loans using this insurance are possible. You just have to be mindful that these insurance usually permits the insurance company to take amounts that if saved can be of great help to your beneficiary.

The more you depend on credit loans, the lesser the benefits that your family will get in the future. Should you choose to get all the money and forfeit the policy, you can do so at any time. Now, the investment becomes like a savings plan that you can just withdraw. You have the access of your money just when you needed it.

In these ways, cash value life insurance is considered a great way to invest. As money is involved, you are also sure to get a lump sum on the interests that your money has accumulated during the times when you have been saving.



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